There has been some ongoing controversy about male model Andrej Pejic since he modeled Gaultier's finale wedding dress. Supposedly some people seem to think that using a male to model women's clothing is the ultimate insult to the natural curviness of a woman's body. Kennandjelli are the first to oppose the anorexia that is promoted by the fashion industry, but Andrej Pejic is hardly the cause or the worst case of promoting anorexia. Besides, LOOOOOOOOOK at him! Who wouldn't want Andrej Pejic to model for them, as a man or a woman?!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Andrej Pejic!
There has been some ongoing controversy about male model Andrej Pejic since he modeled Gaultier's finale wedding dress. Supposedly some people seem to think that using a male to model women's clothing is the ultimate insult to the natural curviness of a woman's body. Kennandjelli are the first to oppose the anorexia that is promoted by the fashion industry, but Andrej Pejic is hardly the cause or the worst case of promoting anorexia. Besides, LOOOOOOOOOK at him! Who wouldn't want Andrej Pejic to model for them, as a man or a woman?!
Dale Bozzio the Original Lady Gaga
Almost 30 years ago!
We aren't denying Lady Gaga is talented, we're just pointing out that image wise it's been done before. We love Lady Gaga acoustic!|
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
SICK OF IT ALL.....(no, not the band)
We see this shit everyday in the celebrity world! Usually the comments say, "Look how great________ looks! She lost 10 lbs! Putting this nonsense up doesn't make us feel better about ourselves, it makes us question what is normal?!!!!!! (Well, I don't question it, because I am not an idiot or 12-years-old.) Seriously, though?! How is SHE disgusting and the below OK???
Back in my day, like 10 years ago, THIS was an anorexic person!!!
She might as well be a tub of lard these days! What's next? Ethiopian bodies are the new "ideal" body type? They are desperately in need of food, and look that way for a reason! Not by choice! So stop exploiting the people who can't afford to look like you, and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU CAN! Or better yet, starve yourself, and send the food that you aren't eating to those who actually need/want it!