Yes, I know she was micro thin. She was a childless teenager when she came out on the scene, so I'm sure looking like she did came naturally to her.

She wasn't immune to criticism or controversy when she was thin...She was ridiculed for her clothes and makeup, called a slut and whore for her dancing and stage costumes...apparently, no matter how perfect a woman looks, she is still a target for the media and public. That being said, what has emerged since the weight gain is unprecedented. It's as though the whole industry, as well as the public, has forgotten that Christina is a singer. I hear nothing about her voice or performances, nothing about her music career. All that is out there about Aguilera revolves around her weight gain.

It reminds me of when Russell Brand tweeted a picture of Katy Perry making a face in bed with no make up on. You would have thought she was a deformed leper based on the public reaction. Has society forgotten that the pictures we see of celebrities involve costumes, make up,extensions, wigs, camera angles, air brushing and photo shop? I mean, do people think that singers, actresses and models sleep looking like porcelain dolls, or are void of flaws? How bad does it have to get and how long does it have to go on that female performers are held under a microscope for their physical appearance instead of being lauded or criticized for their abilities? Enough is enough. It's time that this new generation, a generation that was raised in the era of internet and photo shop, that is bombarded by media images and tabloids regarding rail thin celebrities, or celebrities that have gained a few pounds, or gotten implants, or dared leave their house with no make up, is shown that ALL women, even celebrities, when lying in bed with no make up on making a face doesn't look like the cover of a magazine; that a woman who has children and is no longer a teenager might not look like she did on the cover of Rolling Stone when she was 19. Get a grip, society.