Let's start with ABSOLUTELY hideous looks from wonderful designers......
One of my favorite designer, somehow to "dumb it down", and create this monstrosity of mismatch leopard print (my BIGGEST pet peeve!)
Nicki Minaj-the poor man's Little Kim/Lady Gaga wannabe......
I am starting to hate Bieber less and the music industry more. This kid can actually play a myriad of instruments AND sing, but they have him doing this bullshit. Regardless, he looked like a waiter in this Gucci suit!
Holy FUCKING Armani! Are you KIDDING ME??!! This is a the most generic outfit I have EVER seen! Cliche', cheap, and fugly! It made her performance outfit look like a goddamn haute couture gown! Cheesy, but fitting for Katy Perry.
And then there was Ricky Martin, the gay astronaut. Nice guy, baaaaad outfit.
Man.....I am ALWAYS counting on this girl to do a bigger gal justice, but not tonight! This looks like a fucking Affliction T shirt. Utter, tribal crap. And the choker/shoulder piece.....no thanks...too much.
I hate this, and that is all I can say.
OMMMMG! Jeremy Scott is SUCH an awesome designer, yet he custom made this piece of shit! The hot pink, the shape, the eyebrows, the eye makeup.....all HORRIBLE! This girl could do sooo much better, if she just didn't try so hard.
WTF Toni Braxton?
The MOST disappointing of the night was Lady Gaga. (This might be a book!)First, her "creative director" is a TOTAL moron! The whole "egg incubating' scenario was stupid to begin with, but her directors "explanation" of the fiasco was even worse! She was obnoxious, broke character, and felt the need to keep saying "incubating". I DARE you to ask her what incubating means! It totally broke the "image" of an already fading image in my eyes.....her stage performance was NOT worth the wait either. I never thought I would say this, but it was a TOTAL poor man's version of "Express Yourself". Yikes, I guess she DOESN'T have anything else up her sleeve.
Ok, now to the BEST DRESSED! I was actually shocked at how many simplified, yet gllllorious dresses there were! You can see that the 70's are huge for spring, especially the metallic throwbacks to Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface!
Demi Lovato. Not the best picture of her, and a she is a little young, but she looked FAB-U-LOUS!
Heidi Klum. I am not a huge fan of the slit, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this dress! VERY similar to one of my favorite Oscar dresses!
Leanne Rimes
This dress is NOT great on her, but I love it, so it is on the list!
I loooooove this dress! I could do without the neckpiece, and perhaps the iridescent fabric layered in, but overall....LOVE!
Same ole, same ole, but Jennifer Lopez looks GLLLLORIOUS, as usual!
Jada Smith. This isn't ground-breaking, but I loooove it!
Finally, my MOST favorite. This is SUPER simple, but I was blown away! This picture does NOT do this look justice! The makeup, hair, and accessories were PERFECT.
Honorable Mentions and Big Misses
Nicole Kidman. Ok, she has been dressing like A TOTAL JAKE since her marriage to Keith Urban, but tonight her dress grew on me. I initially saw the top half, which looked like a dowdy, Gunne Sax dress from 1978. However, once I saw the entire dress, it was a little unique, and a little ugly, which I love. That said, it is an honorable mention...for her.
If Jennifer Hudson loses ONE MORE POUND, she is going to be a disgusting bobblehead. She is already teetering on the verge, but she did look GREAT!
Kelly Osbourne. I am not a fan of the color or the bow, but FOR HER, she looked pretty good. She looked a lot less mature, and a lot less like she needed her jaw reset. She is clearly trying to become a "fashionista" and shed her bratty image, but she may be going a little too far. Getting her tattoos removed I hear? You can still have tattoos and be into fashion! Love the shoes though. And the natural blond hair.
I am a little embarrassed by this, but I like this dress. Kim Kardashian looks good, but her boobs are TOO big in this! It changes the whole look of the dress, making it look more like a stripper dress than a JLO knock-off! Slap the dress on a less busty girl, and WOW!
Rhianna. I am sorry, but I hate it. I love Jean-Paul Gaultier, but this is awful. I WANTED to like it. Perhaps if it was a different color I would. I sound like my Mamaw, but she is TOO pretty to have THAT red of hair and excessive makeup! It totally distracts from her beautiful face! The idea of the dress, I like, but it just doesn't do it for me. Her stage dress was better, but just a bit too contrived.
I wanted soooooooooooooooo bad to like this dress....and from the front, I did! The back was another story....
Love the fabric (if in another color), hate the dress.
And did anyone see Miley Cyrus trying sooooooooo hard to show off her whitetrash dream catcher tattoo??! It was SO obvious, it was EMBARRASSING!!!!!!
Finally, the shock of the evening was when I spotted the EXACT outfit, from head to toe, that was part of my past Winter collection for Anti.Label.
HA! Buy my version, 27837378929 times cheaper than the black Ralph Lauren, here