Sunday, December 18, 2011

Andrej Pejic!

There has been some ongoing controversy about male model Andrej Pejic since he modeled Gaultier's finale wedding dress. Supposedly some people seem to think that using a male to model women's clothing is the ultimate insult to the natural curviness of a woman's body. Kennandjelli are the first to oppose the anorexia that is promoted by the fashion industry, but Andrej Pejic is hardly the cause or the worst case of promoting anorexia. Besides, LOOOOOOOOOK at him! Who wouldn't want Andrej Pejic to model for them, as a man or a woman?!

Dale Bozzio the Original Lady Gaga

We don't hate Lady Gaga. We think she is a victim of publicists and managers. She is a great singer, one who writes songs and plays the piano--well. But ultimately, this image, which is what is promoted over the talent, has been done before. Dale Bozzio from Missing Persons and Lady Gaga are hardly distinguishable.

Almost 30 years ago!

We aren't denying Lady Gaga is talented, we're just pointing out that image wise it's been done before. We love Lady Gaga acoustic!|

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SICK OF IT ALL.....(no, not the band)

Sooo, are we suppose to be outraged and shocked at this image??

We see this shit everyday in the celebrity world! Usually the comments say, "Look how great________ looks! She lost 10 lbs! Putting this nonsense up doesn't make us feel better about ourselves, it makes us question what is normal?!!!!!! (Well, I don't question it, because I am not an idiot or 12-years-old.) Seriously, though?! How is SHE disgusting and the below OK???

Back in my day, like 10 years ago, THIS was an anorexic person!!!

She might as well be a tub of lard these days! What's next? Ethiopian bodies are the new "ideal" body type? They are desperately in need of food, and look that way for a reason! Not by choice! So stop exploiting the people who can't afford to look like you, and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU CAN! Or better yet, starve yourself, and send the food that you aren't eating to those who actually need/want it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Jenn again, thinking today about Thanksgiving. It feels so cozy and traditional to pretend Thanksgiving is about being thankful, but let's face it, for most Americans it isn't. For mainstream America Thanksgiving is about shoving your face in preparations for the insane Black Friday shopping extravaganza. Kelli and I may differ somewhat on this topic. I don't doubt that for some people Thanksgiving really is about tradition and being thankful, I am simply pointing out that it is a holiday that was created in the blood of Native Americans and modernized through commercialism and consumerism. Not to mention the cruel meat and dairy based traditional dinner, over consumed while there are millions starving across the world..Now, I hate when people get too preachy so let me get to the point. At the last minute I decided to forgo Thanksgiving. I stayed home, hiked for two hours, did yoga, cleaned the house, made vegan soup and spent time with my dog Neptune, my four cats and my two birds.






Sunny and Stars

I can't tell you how much better I feel having spent Thanksgiving active and productive; no guilt because I ate too much or didn't contribute enough to the family gathering, no laziness, exhaustion or bloating because of overeating and all day lounging. I didn't even miss the "tradition" as horrible as that sounds. Now, I am no saint nor am I judging those that participated in Thanksgiving traditions (although I am judging you if you are beginning Christmas shopping at midnight). I am just suggesting that sometimes thinking outside the box a little and letting go of the way things have always been or should be in your mind can lead to a new tradition.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Jenn here--Sharing with you all my future husband! I love this man so much, he is funny and smart, handsome as sin and if you're out there Remy please contact me! I think we are a match made in heaven! Here are a few of his awesome videos:

Arrested Development

Back in the early to mid nineties KennandJelli were young teenagers that loved clothes but didn't have many options so we looked like maniacs that didn't fit into any stereotype.

Circa 1995

We managed to create our style with random thrift store finds, left over fabric, loose glitter and bulk purchases during Halloween. There were no trendy mall stores, no Hot Topics or any of the options that the kids have these days. We were stuck with Halloween pantyhose, hair dye (that wasn't even very good) and band tshirts that were way too big.

Even when meeting our idols at the time we had to mangle together Kmart hoodies to complete our outfits.

We're not saying that you have to "grow up" or ditch your individuality; in fact, it's the opposite of that. Changing with the times, experiencing life, being worldly and relating personal experience to the way one looks is why people evolve from a fashion stand point, and create their own identity by blending the things they've known and loved into the way they look.
People who get stuck in what is lumped together these days as "Goth" (which is completely different from what was considered Goth in the 80s or 90s) are the least unique from a fashion standpoint. They've created a uniform that is more normal than unique and is dated, to say the least. There is no creativity or self expression in their quest to remain what they think is perceived as "weird".

The Uniform

The Platform Boot: Everyone knows you're not 5'7".

The Pink Hair: Pink hair does not make you Goth or weird! It makes you Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Rock of Love, but it does not make you unique. No hair color does, but pink is the most overkilled trend...Nicki Minaj anyone?

The Ridiculous Piercings: We had them too! We get it! We pierced our nose with safety pins in the bathroom, but it was 15 years ago and we realized sometimes less is more. That's not to say that you can't be pierced or like piercings, but let's face it, it isn't something significant to subculture. It was and is a trend, and there should be a threshold!

The Badly Drawn On Brows: We did it, we are paying the price, we have pencil thin to nonexistent eyebrows to this day. Not to mention most people fail at drawing the brows on and who actually looks better with liquid eyeliner for eyebrows?

The Raver Pants: THIS is something we don't understand. This was some hybrid of subcultures that makes no sense; it originated with the Limp Bizkit trend in the late nineties, and was also part of the Raver trend. Now these hideous rags are associated with ICP Juggalos and wannabe weirdos who think somehow buying mass produced carbon copies of the same giant, ugly pants make them weird or different. NOT to mention they're EXPENSIVE!

People who follow these trends seem to have an image of themselves as fashion forward or avant garde but they are actually following a cookie cutter ideal of how they should look. It seems these folks continue looking this way from their teenage years into their 30s and even 40s. Being unique is not staying the same, it's evolving as you live life. It won't be long before gray haired grandmas are wearing platform boots and drawing on their eyebrows with liquid eyeliner.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Christina Aguilera and Other Music News

Okay...I have noticed that Christina Aguilera has gained weight. What bothers me is that she is a musician, not a model; I don't understand why the focus is on her weight. When she came out at the recent Michael Jackson tribute concert, I heard nothing about her voice or her performance, but I've seen dozens of pictures accompanied with numerous unflattering comments about how "fat" she has become. Why can't a female musician just be recognized for her voice, especially for someone like Aguilera who is so talented?

Yes, I know she was micro thin. She was a childless teenager when she came out on the scene, so I'm sure looking like she did came naturally to her.


She wasn't immune to criticism or controversy when she was thin...She was ridiculed for her clothes and makeup, called a slut and whore for her dancing and stage costumes...apparently, no matter how perfect a woman looks, she is still a target for the media and public. That being said, what has emerged since the weight gain is unprecedented. It's as though the whole industry, as well as the public, has forgotten that Christina is a singer. I hear nothing about her voice or performances, nothing about her music career. All that is out there about Aguilera revolves around her weight gain.


It reminds me of when Russell Brand tweeted a picture of Katy Perry making a face in bed with no make up on. You would have thought she was a deformed leper based on the public reaction. Has society forgotten that the pictures we see of celebrities involve costumes, make up,extensions, wigs, camera angles, air brushing and photo shop? I mean, do people think that singers, actresses and models sleep looking like porcelain dolls, or are void of flaws? How bad does it have to get and how long does it have to go on that female performers are held under a microscope for their physical appearance instead of being lauded or criticized for their abilities? Enough is enough. It's time that this new generation, a generation that was raised in the era of internet and photo shop, that is bombarded by media images and tabloids regarding rail thin celebrities, or celebrities that have gained a few pounds, or gotten implants, or dared leave their house with no make up, is shown that ALL women, even celebrities, when lying in bed with no make up on making a face doesn't look like the cover of a magazine; that a woman who has children and is no longer a teenager might not look like she did on the cover of Rolling Stone when she was 19. Get a grip, society.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Fashion Industry makes me sick....

Makes me wanna vomit. No wonder I love to make clothes, but hate the politics of the industry! Buy Anti.Label, made in my own personal sweatshop, with materials that I typically make, and I don't hire 12 year old anorexics! BLAHHHHHH.

What the Fashion Industry doesn't want you to know.....

HighBall Halloween 2011

Be sure to come out and see all of the excitement this year at HighBall Halloween!!! I will be showing in the Couture Costume Contest!

Here was my Catrina costume from 2007!

Click here for more info on HighBall!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

DIRT CHEAP AND AWESOME Ebay auctions now listed!

Anti.Label on Ebay

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Grammy's 2011

Finally, the show where fashion is the talk of the night! This year, to me, less was much, MUCH more!

Let's start with ABSOLUTELY hideous looks from wonderful designers......

One of my favorite designer, somehow to "dumb it down", and create this monstrosity of mismatch leopard print (my BIGGEST pet peeve!)
Nicki Minaj-the poor man's Little Kim/Lady Gaga wannabe......

I am starting to hate Bieber less and the music industry more. This kid can actually play a myriad of instruments AND sing, but they have him doing this bullshit. Regardless, he looked like a waiter in this Gucci suit!

Holy FUCKING Armani! Are you KIDDING ME??!! This is a the most generic outfit I have EVER seen! Cliche', cheap, and fugly! It made her performance outfit look like a goddamn haute couture gown! Cheesy, but fitting for Katy Perry.

And then there was Ricky Martin, the gay astronaut. Nice guy, baaaaad outfit.

Man.....I am ALWAYS counting on this girl to do a bigger gal justice, but not tonight! This looks like a fucking Affliction T shirt. Utter, tribal crap. And the choker/shoulder thanks...too much.

I hate this, and that is all I can say.

OMMMMG! Jeremy Scott is SUCH an awesome designer, yet he custom made this piece of shit! The hot pink, the shape, the eyebrows, the eye makeup.....all HORRIBLE! This girl could do sooo much better, if she just didn't try so hard.

WTF Toni Braxton?

The MOST disappointing of the night was Lady Gaga. (This might be a book!)First, her "creative director" is a TOTAL moron! The whole "egg incubating' scenario was stupid to begin with, but her directors "explanation" of the fiasco was even worse! She was obnoxious, broke character, and felt the need to keep saying "incubating". I DARE you to ask her what incubating means! It totally broke the "image" of an already fading image in my eyes.....her stage performance was NOT worth the wait either. I never thought I would say this, but it was a TOTAL poor man's version of "Express Yourself". Yikes, I guess she DOESN'T have anything else up her sleeve.

Ok, now to the BEST DRESSED! I was actually shocked at how many simplified, yet gllllorious dresses there were! You can see that the 70's are huge for spring, especially the metallic throwbacks to Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface!

Demi Lovato. Not the best picture of her, and a she is a little young, but she looked FAB-U-LOUS!

Heidi Klum. I am not a huge fan of the slit, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this dress! VERY similar to one of my favorite Oscar dresses!

****2000 Oscar dress****

Leanne Rimes

This dress is NOT great on her, but I love it, so it is on the list!

I loooooove this dress! I could do without the neckpiece, and perhaps the iridescent fabric layered in, but overall....LOVE!

Same ole, same ole, but Jennifer Lopez looks GLLLLORIOUS, as usual!

Jada Smith. This isn't ground-breaking, but I loooove it!

Finally, my MOST favorite. This is SUPER simple, but I was blown away! This picture does NOT do this look justice! The makeup, hair, and accessories were PERFECT.

Honorable Mentions and Big Misses

Nicole Kidman. Ok, she has been dressing like A TOTAL JAKE since her marriage to Keith Urban, but tonight her dress grew on me. I initially saw the top half, which looked like a dowdy, Gunne Sax dress from 1978. However, once I saw the entire dress, it was a little unique, and a little ugly, which I love. That said, it is an honorable mention...for her.

If Jennifer Hudson loses ONE MORE POUND, she is going to be a disgusting bobblehead. She is already teetering on the verge, but she did look GREAT!

Kelly Osbourne. I am not a fan of the color or the bow, but FOR HER, she looked pretty good. She looked a lot less mature, and a lot less like she needed her jaw reset. She is clearly trying to become a "fashionista" and shed her bratty image, but she may be going a little too far. Getting her tattoos removed I hear? You can still have tattoos and be into fashion! Love the shoes though. And the natural blond hair.

I am a little embarrassed by this, but I like this dress. Kim Kardashian looks good, but her boobs are TOO big in this! It changes the whole look of the dress, making it look more like a stripper dress than a JLO knock-off! Slap the dress on a less busty girl, and WOW!

Rhianna. I am sorry, but I hate it. I love Jean-Paul Gaultier, but this is awful. I WANTED to like it. Perhaps if it was a different color I would. I sound like my Mamaw, but she is TOO pretty to have THAT red of hair and excessive makeup! It totally distracts from her beautiful face! The idea of the dress, I like, but it just doesn't do it for me. Her stage dress was better, but just a bit too contrived.

I wanted soooooooooooooooo bad to like this dress....and from the front, I did! The back was another story....

Love the fabric (if in another color), hate the dress.

And did anyone see Miley Cyrus trying sooooooooo hard to show off her whitetrash dream catcher tattoo??! It was SO obvious, it was EMBARRASSING!!!!!!

Finally, the shock of the evening was when I spotted the EXACT outfit, from head to toe, that was part of my past Winter collection for Anti.Label.

HA! Buy my version, 27837378929 times cheaper than the black Ralph Lauren, here