Have you ever noticed that Angelina Jolie looks like a 90-year-old anorexic bone bag, yet she just turned 34? Nobody questions her obvious nose job and likely breast implants or the fact that she has lost 20 pounds in the past 10 years. Somehow she has avoided all of the scrutiny that the other actresses have gotten for cramming their fingers down their throats and dying of starvation.
For example, here is Angelina Jolie in the nineties:
...and here is the scarecrow woman now:
It's like Michael Jackson, really. Or Pinocchio:
We found these celebrities that don't look NEARLY as old as Angelina Jolie:
Reese Witherspoon Age:34
Winona Ryder Age:38
Kate Moss Age:34
Tyra Banks Age:36
Kate Winslet Age:34
Eva Longoria Age:34
Drew Barrymore Age:34
Juliette Lewis Age:36
We even found a few celebs that are AT LEAST 10 years OLDER than her and look younger:
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Age:49
Michelle Pfeiffer Age:51
Halle Berry Age:43
Christie Brinkley Age:55 (That's 21 years older than bone bag!)
We are Kelli and Jenn; we grew up on the west side of Columbus, Ohio. We are the skim of everything. We take bits and pieces from every subculture and mash them together to encompass the psychotic maniacs that we are today. We have done it all and said it all. We've been there and done that. We are the poster children for our generation. We grew up in the infancy of talk shows, reality tv, the internet and cell phones. Over the past ten years we've seen that fifteen minutes of fame has become available to everyone on the planet, for better or worse; and that's what we're here to talk about. We say what everyone else is afraid to about real life, pop culture, and society.